Talk things through with me in an open and honest way, remembering to listen to me.
How can I be included in the funeral, what things can I do on the day that will help me to say goodbye. Include me and give me choices.
Phone my school and inform them about what’s happened. Arrange a meeting so I can identify a member of staff who will be willing to support me throughout the day. Let me go back to school the same week if that’s what I want to do.
Allow me to say how I feel and do not be offended if I am angry with you or do not want to talk.
Please take into consideration that I may not grieve in the same way as you or my siblings.
If I look like I’m feeling lonely please ask me how I’m feeling.
Remind me that I am not to blame and that it’s not my fault.
Help me to remember my loved one. Talk to me about the happy times we shared. Help me not to forget my special person.
Let me keep something that belonged to my special person. Remind me that it’s important to keep it in a safe place.
Hug me, just hug me so I feel safe.
Tell me I’m doing nothing wrong when laughing and having fun. Tell me it doesn’t mean I’m forgetting about my loved one.
Tell me it’s normal to feel jealous of my friends who still have both parents.
Allow me time to be on my own, sometimes I may just need some time out.
If you see that I’m struggling in a way that I’m inflicting pain on myself, help me, talk to me about where we can get help and please don’t feel like you have failed as a parent.