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Become a referrer

Once Upon a Smile operates a referral process for anyone seeking bereavement support.

Our referral process is extremely important and allows us to gather much needed information in the first instance, providing us with an understanding of the support that may be required. Once a referral has been made, it is not uncommon for Once Upon a Smile to reach out to you for further information.

The support we provide is tailored to the needs of those being referred, and our support can range from 1-1 individual support, resources, advice & guidance. Once Upon a Smile can offer support when a parent/guardian, grandparent or sibling has died. We believe in early intervention and encourage referrals to be made as early as possible.

You are registering to become a referrer as you want to make referrals on behalf of families you are supporting. This referral option is for any professional and your organisation could be part of the local authority, a school, hospice or hospital. If you are wanting to make a referral for your family, you do not need to register.

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