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Children’s bereavement support

We tailor our support to the needs of your family.

We understand that the support you and your family need may differ from that of other families. This is why we tailor the support to the needs of you and your family.

A safe space to explore thoughts & feelings

At Once Upon a Smile we have lots of creative programmes where children and young people can come along to remember their loved ones and express their thoughts and feelings in a fun and safe environment.

Discover more
stay and play

Stay & Play

grief support hug


family, bereavement support

Support in School

creating smiles

Snuggles and Smiles

support activities

Schools Out Groups

Decorative icon for Residential Holidays

Residential Holidays

Creating smiles!

Funded family event days and practical support throughout the year to bring smiles and relieve additional stresses of bereaved families.

The holidays can be a particularly difficult time of year for children when someone special has died.

Our Creating Smiles support aims to relieve the additional stresses and isolation many bereaved families feel during this time and help build and provide ‘time out’ for fun and laughter, as a family.

  • Family event days
  • Summer holiday support scheme
  • Christmas appeal

One step further

Our educational support programme supporting our bereaved children in school.

Bereavement can have a profound negative impact on a child or young person’s academic achievement.  We work closely with teachers and staff to ensure those bereaved feel safe, supported and understood in school.

  • Provides positive attitudes to education
  • Educational bereavement support plans, focusing on the voice of the child and the barriers to achieve.
  • Provides long-term emotional and well-being support, helps build resilience and protects good mental health.