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The holidays can be a particularly difficult time of year for children when someone special has died.
Bereaved parents often find it overwhelming during the holidays to manage their own grief while keeping the children entertained.
Our Creating Smiles support campaign aims to relieve the additional stresses and isolation many bereaved families feel during this time and help build and provide ‘time out’ for fun and laughter, as a family.
Devoted to activities that encourage families to come together to celebrate their loved ones and have fun together, as a family. These family events take place throughout the year during half terms.
We are always changing and adapting our family events.
We understand that the cost of additional groceries whilst children are at home during the summer school holidays can cause additional worries due to the length of time children and young people are at home, rather than in school.
In addition to the above, we have recognised the increased stress and worry the purchase of school uniform and accessories brings, especially the requirements for branded school uniforms.
Our Summer Holiday Support Scheme aims to support bereaved families with the cost of additional groceries and the purchase of school uniforms to relieve the additional stresses caused by the school summer holidays.
We understand that having experienced a bereavement this festive period brings with it many additional difficulties, without the need of worrying about financials.
This appeal aims to relieve some pressures from our families by providing children and young people with presents and gifts, in line with each child’s interest. We aim to provide all children with a sack of gifts.
In addition to presents, we also offer our families the opportunity of a supermarket gift card to support with additional groceries around Christmas time.