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Stay & play

Specialised support for Early Years children

Stay and Play support sessions give younger children the opportunity to explore their grief through their natural language of play.

Through these sessions our Bereavement Support Practitioner will:

  • Assess their level of understanding
  • Acknowledge what has happened
  • Answer questions honestly with language they understand
  • Encourage them to express thoughts and feelings
  • With child’s permission engage with parent in open conversations

What’s included in the sessions?

Stay and Play sessions are tailored to the interests of each child. All the activities support young children to find ways to express their thoughts and feelings and to share their experience. Sessions may include;

  • Making special things to remember loved one(s)
  • Arts and Crafts, such as painting and drawing pictures
  • Creating stories with the puppets and toys
  • Playing with Lego
  • Creating with clay
  • Playing games
  • Playing in the sand tray
  • Exploring with music
  • Dancing


How do I apply for my child to be a part of Stay & Play?

A self-referral is required in the first instance, and you can self-refer by clicking here. Once we receive your referral, you will be invited to an initial meeting where our support will be discussed in detail.

How often are the sessions?

As a guide sessions are usually weekly.

Make a referral

Our referral process is the first step of reaching out for support from Once Upon a Smile. Referrals can be made by you for your family or can be made on behalf of a family you are seeking support for.